Campaign for Working Families

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 -- Foreign Meddling, Putting America First, Harris To The Border

Foreign Meddling


The war between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate. It’s estimated that one million people on both sides have been killed or wounded, exponentially exceeding the casualties in Israel’s war against Hamas and Hezbollah.


The Ukrainian war is an incredibly dangerous conflict. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons. We have a weak and mentally impaired president. He and Kamala Harris’s main foreign policy decision was the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan.


One miscalculation could easily lead to World War Three.


But, in spite of all the pressure they’re putting on Israel to sign a peace deal, Biden and Harris show no interest in negotiating a peace deal to end the war in Ukraine. They’ve sent more than $100 billion dollars of your tax money to Ukraine and promise to send billions more.


Meanwhile, something outrageous and unacceptable just happened.


President Biden brought Ukrainian President Zelensky to the United States on an American military plane. He was flown to Pennsylvania to visit a factory that is making weapons that will be sent to Ukraine so he can continue the war with Russia.


While Zelensky was in Pennsylvania, perhaps the most important state in deciding who will be our next president, he took cheap political shots at Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.


This is direct foreign interference in our elections on American soil!


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris misused military resources. They illegally spent federal money on a campaign event. And they enlisted a foreign leader to meddle in our elections by attacking Donald Trump, who simply wants peace.


None of this is putting America or our interests first.




Putting America First


Donald Trump just pledged that if agricultural machinery company John Deere goes forward with a plan to close U.S. factories and move them to Mexico, he will impose a 200% tariff on their products. The globalist free trade wing of the Uniparty immediately set their hair on fire and attacked the idea as “insane.” But it’s not insane.


Donald Trump understands the need for a great nation to actually make things. He understands the need to build up our manufacturing base and keep Americans employed.


All the rhetoric about making products as cheaply as possible is fine in normal times. This is not a normal time.


There is a war raging in Ukraine.


Israel is at war on multiple fronts.


There are increasing conflicts in the Pacific.


And we do not have the industrial capability to make enough weapons to defend ourselves and our allies. (Here and here.)


It’s a national scandal that politicians in both parties allowed us to become so weak.




A Good Reminder


What do pagers and walkie talkies blowing up in Lebanon have to do with the future security of the United States? Everything.


Israel just demonstrated what can happen when a fighting force relies on outside sources for vital military supplies. That vulnerability literally just blew up in Hezbollah’s hands and pants! 


If our ally Israel can do this to its (and our) enemies, does anyone think our enemies couldn’t do it to us?


Donald Trump was among the first to warn about communist Chinese influence in our ports, including the gigantic cranes that are made in communist China. Trump’s tough stance against communist China was mocked by the Wall Street Journal crowd, but he was right.


We have since discovered that the Chinese cranes have devices that “created an obscure method to collect information and bypass firewalls in a manner that could potentially disrupt port operations.”


We have also discovered communist Chinese malware meant to disrupt our critical infrastructure and military communications. And they are at it again.


These stories quickly disappear off the front pages so we can have a debate about how many more Haitians should come to America. But if tensions with communist China erupt, just imagine our ports shutting down, electricity going out in multiple big cities, and your iPhone not working. This is a potentially catastrophic national security failure!


You can make a strong case that instead of sending $100 billion to Ukraine, we should tell our European friends, “Hey, you guys have to take care of that. We need a crash program to rebuild America, which by the way helps you, too. Because if we go down, so do you.”




Harris To The Border


Kamala Harris is reportedly going to the southern border later this week. There are so many things to say, but I’ll keep this brief.


Remember when Lester Holt briefly acted like a journalist and asked Harris, “Do you have any plans to visit the border?” She said, “We’ve been to the border. So, this whole thing about the border, we’ve been to the border.”


Holt shot back, saying, “You haven’t been to the border.” Harris replied, “And I haven’t been to Europe. And I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making.”


What?! Her response makes about as much sense as her radical open border policies.


Harris has advocated for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States. She has compared ICE agents to the KKK and smeared our Border Patrol agents as racists.


Well, it ends up that Harris did go to the border area but probably didn’t want anyone to find the video. In 2018, Harris joined a crowd of open border advocates in southern California chanting, “Up, up with education. Down, down with deportation!”


She not only wants open borders; she wants illegal aliens to stay here forever. How else can they register to vote in one election after another?




Left-wing Lunacy


It’s not enough for the Biden/Harris administration to indoctrinate America’s schoolchildren with LGBTQ ideology. Now, we’re subsidizing gender ideology overseas, too.


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) gave a $2 million grant (that’s your tax money) to a group in Guatemala that, among other things, promotes “gender-affirming care,” meaning sex changes.


Once, the United States was known for sending missionaries around the world to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, Biden and Harris are spreading the LGBTQ gospel around the world.


But wait. . . There’s more!


A federal judge (a Clinton appointee) recently ruled that Indiana taxpayers must pay for a sex change operation demanded by a convicted child murderer.


That’s insane! And Kamala Harris supports it.




Cultural Chaos


There’s a shocking video showing the absolute chaos that broke out in the streets of one of America’s major cities this past weekend. A mob started fires and attacked responding police officers.


Just as disturbing as the behavior is where this occurred – Philadelphia. This is where our country started. It’s where our Founders held the deliberations that produced our Constitution.


This is where Benjamin Franklin said we have “A republic, if you can keep it.”


Can we keep it?


Do we need any more obvious examples of how the country is hanging by a thread?


The barbarians are inside the gates.




Letter To The American Church


Please join the James Dobson Family Institute for an exclusive live screening of Eric Metaxas’s new film, Letter to the American Church, on Thursday, September 26th, at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time. A thought-provoking Q&A session with the producers will take place following the movie. (My public policy organization, American Values, is one of the cosponsors of the film.)


This is a tremendous opportunity to gain deeper insights into the critical issues confronting Christians and our country today.


Space for this exclusive event is limited, so reserve your spot now!




Tune In To Family Talk


Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show. On today’s broadcast, I talk about the importance of the 2024 elections and America’s future with former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Men and women of faith must not remain on the sidelines. Let’s get out there and vote!


Find station listings here. Listen online here.