Campaign for Working Families

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 -- Lies Of The Left, A Blizzard Of Lies, A Stark Contrast

Lies Of The Left


The “Big Lie” strategy is a propaganda technique mastered by all totalitarian regimes. The idea is that people can be made to believe a lie that is so absurd and bizarre precisely because it is so absurd and bizarre that no one would dare lie about it. And the more it is repeated, the more people will believe it.


The left has been using the Big Lie strategy against Donald Trump ever since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Their latest Big Lie is that Trump said he would call out the military to go after his political enemies.


It would take pages to outline every one of the false charges against Trump, but here are just a few of the worst examples.


  • Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people.” Biden and Harris still bring this up even though it has been repeatedly debunked.


  • Trump is going to end Social Security. One of the things that makes Donald Trump unique among Republicans is that he is all in on saving this program that Americans have paid into.



  • Project 2025 is Trump’s secret governing plan. Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation, not Donald Trump. Every four years, the Heritage Foundation puts together a list of policy recommendations and invites every candidate to review it.


  • Trump called our fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers.” Donald Trump is right up there with Ronald Reagan in his admiration for and what he will do for veterans.


In one moment, the left calls people who love God, our country, and our military “Christian nationalists” and a threat to democracy. In the next moment, they’re saying Trump doesn’t love our soldiers. And then they insist he’s going to use the military against his political enemies.


It never stops!


Meanwhile, the Big Media fact-checking industry that will scrutinize anything conservatives say, even satire, is totally silent when it comes to smears against Donald Trump.




Context Is Key


So, let’s look at the context of this latest lie that Trump will use the military against his opponents.


Donald Trump was responding to comments from Joe Biden and others who claimed that if he wins the election, there will be unrest all over the country, just like the summer of 2020, when the left engaged in violence to scare people away from voting for Trump.


At the time, some, including Donald Trump, suggested that the National Guard should be called out because of the failure of big city mayors and left-wing governors like Tim Walz to deal with the violence. That also became a major point of outrage.


Now, Trump is merely signaling that if there is widespread violence for any reason related to the election, any responsible president would call out the National Guard because you can’t allow the country to burn.




The Totalitarian Left


This is now a major theme of the left: Donald Trump is going to deploy the military to seize unbridled power and round up his enemies. The reality is the exact opposite. It’s the neo-Marxist left that wants unbridled power.


It’s the left that is weaponizing the government to spy on churches and parents.


It’s the left that is trying to put their political opponents in jail, including pro-life demonstrators.


It’s the left that is trying to kick candidates off the ballot.


It’s the left that is constantly trying to restrict free speech and religious liberty.


It’s the left that wants to pack the Supreme Court to force their radical agenda on the country.


When Joe Biden talks about limiting the Second Amendment, he says people better have F-15s to take on the federal government. He’s threatening to bomb American citizens! But no “journalists” are hyperventilating about that.


In the middle of the 2020 riots, Sen. Tom Cotton wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times about the need to use the National Guard (and the military if necessary) to restore order.


That caused an explosion of leftist outrage at the Times from woke Marxist staffers who were furious that the Times would even entertain the senator’s ideas, much less publish them. The editorial page editor was ultimately forced to resign, and the “paper of record” was purged of dissenting voices.




A Blizzard Of Lies


This is all the left has. They can’t talk about the main issue – the economy – because most Americans say they are worse off today than they were four years ago.


They can’t talk about immigration because they created that disaster. They can’t talk about foreign policy because the world is on fire. They can’t talk about crime because it’s getting worse, not better.


So, they are trying to bury you in a blizzard of lies. They started with “joy, joy, joy,” but in short order they’re back to fear and lies. And we shouldn’t be surprised.


The movement that increasingly controls the party of JFK and Harry Truman now serves the father of lies, Satan. What else can you say when they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars promoting something that has become a sacrament to them – abortion?


What else can you say when they embrace the lie that there are more than two genders and that children can choose to mutilate their bodies?


“Kill your children. Mutilate your bodies.” When they say these things, their supporters applaud and Satan applauds. It is a direct affront to the God of the universe who created us.


The entire Democrat Party is wholly committed to the destruction of innocent life made in the image of God and to mutilating children.


And don’t you dare stand in the way!




The Caravans Are Coming


We haven’t heard much lately about “caravans” of illegal aliens. The Biden/Harris administration has done its best to control the chaos at the border with all kinds of deceptive programs that continue to bring massive numbers of people into the country.


But now, all of a sudden, there’s another migrant caravan – at 2,000 people and growing – heading up through Mexico toward our southern border.


Whether they realize it or not, these migrants are an argument for Donald Trump’s election. They’re telling reporters that they are coming now, while Biden and Harris are still in office, because they are afraid they won’t be able to do so if Trump wins!




A Stark Contrast


Two recent incidents provided a stark contrast for men and women of faith to seriously consider over the course of the next 14 days.


Two Wisconsin college students recently attended a rally for Kamala Harris. They were shocked by the emotion she displayed when she was talking about abortion on demand. And they were shocked by the enthusiasm of the crowd, which seemed to be celebrating abortion as if it were a sacrament.  


That seemed to be the message from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: “If you exercise your right to abort your child, you may not be able to get communion from your church, but you can get it from me.”


Just as I believe God put it on Donald Trump’s heart to move his head at precisely the right moment to avoid the assassin’s bullet, these students felt God laid it on their hearts to speak out at the Harris celebration of abortion. One yelled, “Jesus is Lord,” and the other shouted, “Christ is King!”


This wasn’t a big venue, and the crowd wasn’t that big either. Harris saw exactly where these young men were when they shouted the Lord’s name. She immediately looked at them and said, “You guys are at the wrong rally.” The crowd roared at her mockery of their faith as the students were ejected from the event.


Harris told these students what the left tells God-fearing Christians all the time: “We don’t want to hear from people like you. Your faith isn’t wanted here.”


A few days later, there was another rally in Wisconsin. As J.D. Vance was speaking about the left’s attacks on Judeo-Christian values and religious liberty, someone in the audience yelled, “Jesus is King!”


Vance immediately replied back, “That’s right. Jesus IS King!” That crowd enthusiastically cheered. No one was mocked, and no one was kicked out of the rally.


The election is 14 days away. No one is asking us to walk into the middle of a hostile crowd. We are only being asked to walk into the privacy of a voting booth and do the right thing.