Campaign for Working Families

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 -- Eagle Or Angel, Trump's Entrance, The Attack On Faith

Eagle Or Angel?


Former President Trump has made it clear that he believes God saved him from the assassin’s bullet Saturday evening. He is as clear about that as Ronald Reagan was about God saving him from an assassination attempt in 1981. It’s not surprising that this view is being attacked by leftists and even a Wall Street Journal columnist.


But out in the real world, many people are buzzing about this video of what was happening to an American flag in the wind just before Trump started his speech. Many people see an eagle. Others are convinced it is an angel. I vote for angel.




Trump’s Entrance


While watching Donald Trump’s entrance at the Republican National Convention last night with the medical pad on his ear, I was struck by his demeanor. He seemed as close to tears as I have ever seen him. Given the attempt on his life just two days before, he was likely overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude and perhaps even humility.


But I can’t look at Trump without thinking about what he has been through and what has been done to him.


  • Spying on his campaign.
  • A fake dossier to make it look like he was “compromised” by Russia’s Putin.
  • Baseless impeachments.
  • Jailing of multiple members of his administration.
  • Intimidation against other members of his staff.
  • An endless stream of vicious lies and smears.
  • The Deep State censoring the truth to hurt his reelection efforts.
  • 94 indictments from Democrat prosecutors in Democrat cities in what is obviously a Democrat effort to rig this election by putting their leading opponent in jail.
  • The raid on his house with agents going through his wife’s undergarments and under orders to shoot if necessary.
  • An assassination attempt that nearly took his life and did take the life of a devoted husband and father.


That’s more than enough to break almost anyone.


Yet, Donald Trump keeps going. Why? For money? He’s got plenty of money. Fame? He was already famous.


Donald Trump just wants to make America great. He wants to help Americans who have been betrayed by our political establishment – the really “smart” people getting us into endless no-win wars while making all the money they can in communist China and importing cheap labor, crime, and hate through stupid immigration laws.




RNC Day 1


The economy was yesterday’s theme at the Republican National Convention. There were a number of excellent speakers, including everyday Americans, who pointed out how they are being crushed by Biden’s inflation and terrible economic policies.


One such speech was delivered by Linda Fonos, a legal immigrant who apologized for voting for Joe Biden in 2020 and blasted his open border policies.


There was a historic address by Teamsters President Sean O’Brien. His remarks were the first time in the union’s 121-year history that a Teamsters president spoke at a Republican National Convention. O’Brien praised Trump as “one tough SOB” for his courage in inviting O’Brien to speak at the convention and for the strength Trump demonstrated after the attempt on his life.


O’Brien’s address also publicly marked the liberation of the GOP from our globalist corporate elites. (Here and here.) Far too many CEOs are all in on trade with communist China and the left’s woke agenda, which threatens the economic well-being of working Americans and assaults their values.


Sen. Tim Scott also delivered a very inspiring address.




Investigation Update


We are learning more about the events that led up to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. None of it is reassuring. Consider these developments:


  • The rooftop where the shooter fired from was identified as a security risk days before the event, and yet it remained vulnerable.


  • Law enforcement officials reportedly spotted the shooter nearly 30 minutes before he opened fire.


  • He was observed on the ground with a rangefinder, surveilling the building, and carrying a backpack.


  • The building the shooter was on was being used as a lookout by a local sniper team. Just to be clear, there were officers INSIDE the building but not on top of the building. And it appears to have been a deliberate decision.


If a building identified as a security risk is being used as a lookout for snipers, the first thing you should do is secure the roof! It defies common sense that it wasn’t done. 


Every congressional Republican must understand how important it is to expose this catastrophic failure. The head of the Secret Service should be relieved of duty immediately. Kimberly Cheatle can go back to protecting soft drinks and potato chips!


By the way, she served on both Secret Service details that protected then-Vice President Joe Biden and Jill Biden. She quit after the 2016 election, but Joe Biden appointed her head of the Secret Service in 2022. So, this Biden loyalist is responsible for the security of Biden’s political opponents.




Loonies Of The Left


You know how often conservatives are accused of being “conspiracy nuts.” Every time we speak the truth, the left denounces it as a conspiracy, whether it’s COVID coming from the Wuhan lab or the corruption exposed on Hunter Biden’s laptop.


Well, there’s something on the left called “Blue Anon,” and it went into overdrive Saturday after Trump was nearly killed. I told you about the adviser to a left-wing billionaire who said the whole thing was staged by Trump. It’s not just him.


The Washington Post reports that within hours of the shooting, doctored photos were flying around social media. One fake photo showed Donald Trump with a big smile, which fed the conspiracy theory that the event was staged. That photo was viewed more than a million times before it was taken down.


And a new poll finds that one-third of Biden supporters believe the Trump shooting was a staged event.




The Attack On Faith


Here’s something I don’t want anyone to lose sight of: The left’s demonization and vitriol are aimed at Donald Trump and most often conservative Christians. There aren’t daily attacks on libertarians or Chamber of Commerce Republicans.


The left has taken two of the most normal instincts in American history – love of God and love of country – and made a monster out of them. If you love Jesus and love America, then you’re a “Christian nationalist” and a danger to democracy.


For many leftists, the crowd in that Pennsylvania field was the enemy -- a bunch of Christians who love America and support Donald Trump.



Donald Trump is unapologetic about defending America and our values. He respects America’s deep Christian heritage and has repeatedly vowed to defend religious liberty.


In his first term, Christian leaders were regularly brought into the White House for their advice and counsel. Trump often invited them into the Oval Office to pray with him. I have done so many times.


When Donald Trump says, “They are trying to get you, but they must get through me first,” he’s absolutely right.


That bullet from that gun in that field was ultimately aimed at every church in America.


The people who hate Trump know that there is no greater blow they can strike against religious liberty than to kill the man who would not be president without us. He is the same man who gave us the best Supreme Court in modern memory when it comes to religious liberty and the sanctity of life.


This election is a referendum on whether America will continue to embrace or reject the belief of our Founders that liberty comes from God, not government. Men and women of faith must vote like their freedom depends on it -- because it does.


Four more years of the Biden/Harris regime and America will be “fundamentally transformed.”


You will be subsidizing abortions. Your children and grandchildren will be learning to change their gender in kindergarten. Your daughters will never have the chance to excel in sports. You will be forced to buy an electric car you don’t want and can’t afford. And you will need a loan to buy groceries.