Campaign for Working Families

Thursday, July 11, 2024 -- The Left Threatens Democracy, Defending Our Daughters, Democrat Disarray

The Left Threatens Democracy


Late yesterday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act. The legislation would amend the 1993 Motor Voter law to require proof of citizenship when someone registers to vote to ensure that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections.


Seems like a no-brainer, right? Who could possibly be against ensuring the integrity of our elections and the democratic process?


Virtually every House Democrat. That’s who. Only five Democrats – 2% of the House Democrat caucus – voted for the SAVE Act. Just five voted to protect our elections, while 198 Democrats voted to allow illegal aliens to register to vote.


That is outrageous!  


Of course, Democrats smeared the SAVE Act as “racist.” I can’t imagine how it is racist to ensure the integrity of the votes of black citizens, Hispanic citizens, and Asian citizens. But that’s left-wing logic for you. It’s also yet another example of Democrats putting illegal aliens ahead of American citizens.


The fact that the media is not making a big deal about this vote is very revealing. The left claims it is outrageous that so many Americans don’t have trust in our elections and might question the results.


Well, the left is doing everything it can to stop measures that would help restore trust!


There is only one reason why anyone would oppose voter ID laws and legislation like the SAVE Act. There is only one reason why the left-wing justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court ignored the law and allowed cities to use unmonitored drop boxes.  


And that is to make cheating easier. 


So, the people who claim to be “protecting our democracy” are the very same people who are undermining the integrity of our elections – an existential threat to democracy.


The American left increasingly looks a lot like the European left. They would rather push the country to the edge of revolution and burn down cities than allow conservatives to win an election.




Defending Our Daughters


The House of Representatives held another important vote this morning to overturn the Biden administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX. That law was meant to protect girls and women in educational settings. But the Biden administration issued rules that would also include men and boys pretending to be women and girls under Title IX.


The legislation protecting our daughters passed – narrowly. The vote was 210 to 205 strictly along party lines. Every Republican voted to defend normalcy, while every Democrat voted against normalcy.


If a public official can’t get the difference between men and women right, why on earth would anyone trust their judgment on anything else?


Kudos to Speaker Mike Johnson for advancing these important bills and holding these very educational votes.




Hate Has A Home Here


MSNBC host Joy Reid has some “interesting” thoughts about this election. Here’s what she thinks is the most important issue:


“All that matters in this election, and I genuinely mean this, all that matters in this election, the only thing that matters in this election, is keeping Donald Trump and Project 2025 out of power. Keeping that insane ideology of white Christian nationalism and white supremacy and white male Christian dominance out of power.




The racism. The sexism. The anti-Christian bigotry. She’s not even trying to hide it.


The left’s racism, sexism, and bigotry are on full display for everyone to see, while leftists continually smear conservatives as “racists,” “sexists,” and “bigots.”


Just imagine if some conservative commentator said, “This election is all about keeping black Muslim women out of power.” They would be banned from every network. They would be deplatformed from social media. Their public career would be over.


But leftist hate has a home at MSNBC.




The Left Threatens Freedom


There was an amazing exchange on Capitol Hill yesterday that deserves much more attention than it is receiving.


Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell of Fang Fang fame was questioning a witness during a hearing about corporate efforts to censor and silence conservative voices online and on social media. And, as Democrats are prone to do, Swalwell attempted to bully and shame the witness.


Swalwell demanded to know the witness’s views on same-sex marriage and if he believed that homosexuality was a sin. Unfortunately for Swalwell, the witness was Ben Shapiro.


Not only is Shapiro an Orthodox Jew, he is very sharp. Swalwell’s attempt to publicly belittle Shapiro backfired spectacularly.


But aside from Swalwell becoming the comedic relief at the hearing, his line of questioning should outrage every freedom-loving America.


At a hearing on combating censorship, Swalwell launched a direct attack on the First Amendment freedoms of religious liberty and free speech! He was attempting to stigmatize traditional religious and conservative beliefs as something “unacceptable” and “unspeakable.”


And once the left labels something as “unacceptable” or “hate speech” – such as believing that abortion or homosexual acts are sins – it’s not a big leap to suggest that organizations, including churches, that share those beliefs should not receive tax exemptions.


This effort to demonize mainstream conservative thought is a key component of the left’s strategy. It invariably leads to censorship of whatever the left determines to be “wrongthink” and it leads to the totalitarian enforcement of “groupthink.” That’s what the whole concept of “intersectionality” is all about – silencing dissent and enforcing groupthink conformity.


Sadly, this is happening in virtually every Western country, including our NATO allies.


Remember how Justin Trudeau crushed critics of his oppressive COVID regime?  He invoked emergency powers and debanked truckers trying to feed their families. Hate speech laws undermining free speech and religious liberty are everywhere in Europe.


The more the left shouts about “saving democracy,” the more they threaten it by trying to silence the very beliefs that are the basis of Western Civilization.


They tell us we must go to war to defend Western Civilization, while they are trying to rip out the foundation of Western Civilization. And they wonder why their militaries are having recruiting problems.


Good luck recruiting at abortion clinics and gay bars!




Democrat Disarray


Since our report yesterday, four more congressional Democrats – Sen. Peter Welch (VT), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR), Rep. Hillary Scholten (MI) and Rep. Brad Schneider (IL) – have publicly called on Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race.


Biden also lost the support of Hollywood megastar George Clooney. Some think Clooney’s announcement is a significant development. I’m not sure just how significant it may be.


Perhaps the most significant thing is that Clooney reportedly ran his statement past Barack Obama before releasing it, meaning Obama didn’t stop him. Et tu, Barack?


But Biden did get a big boost yesterday. Alex Soros went public, telling Democrats to unite behind Joe Biden. Well, if I were a Democrat, I’d go with Soros, who could buy and sell Clooney and Obama about 90 times before getting out of bed in the morning.


Biden is scheduled to hold a press conference later this evening. There are reports that several congressional Democrats will demand Biden drop out if he fumbles again.




Planning Ahead


I am at a retreat with other high-level conservative leaders, looking at the problems facing our country and planning what our next steps should be.


I was not surprised that the overwhelming majority of people at this retreat want Joe Biden to remain the Democrat nominee because the consensus opinion is, “How can he recover from this?”




Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom


In this week’s Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I break down the “highlights” from the presidential debate and parse President Joe Biden’s colossal collapse.


Listen to the podcast here.