Campaign for Working Families

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 -- Terror Attack Foiled, Poll Position, Your Tax Dollars NOT At Work

Terror Attack Foiled


Federal law enforcement officials arrested an Afghan national for plotting to attack polling places on Election Day. This could be called Biden/Harris/Afghan interference in our election.


Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, who resides in Oklahoma City, shouldn’t be in our country. But he was admitted on a “special immigrant” visa during the fall of Kabul. Sadly, there is nothing surprising about his arrest.


The administration denied there was any chaos in Kabul during Biden’s disastrous retreat. Thousands of Afghans broke through the security perimeter and stormed the runway. Some died falling off the outside of U.S. aircraft.


The Biden/Harris administration repeatedly assured us that the Afghan nationals they were evacuating had all been thoroughly vetted. But that’s not possible.


Donald Trump warned at the time, “We can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world,” adding that there was “no vetting.”


In the following weeks, many Afghan nationals were housed on U.S. military bases. It wasn’t long before crimes, especially domestic abuse, were taking place on our military bases.


Now we have this news that one of the Biden/Harris “refugees” who supposedly wanted to escape ISIS and the Taliban was planning to attack Americans on Election Day and become a martyr for ISIS. What happened? Did he change his mind about loving America? No, he never loved America.


The Biden/Harris retreat from Afghanistan was so messed up that any normal human being would look at that and say, “How could you possibly vet anyone in that chaos?”


The irony is that the withdrawal was so bad that Afghan translators and people we had vetted were left behind, along with many Americans.


Private citizens and veterans, like the ones cleaning up North Carolina right now, had to go into Afghanistan and rescue the Afghans who were working with us.





Poll Position


The latest RealClearPolitics Electoral College projection finds Donald Trump winning the White House 281 to 257 for Harris.


Meanwhile, the latest New York Times/Siena poll finds that Trump only has a 2-point on the question of which candidate would do a better job of handling the most important issue, which voters said was the economy. How can that be?


The only explanation is that Democrats are burying us in ads. They own the airwaves. During NFL weekend games, it isn’t unusual to see four or five Harris ads, but seldom even one ad for Trump.


The five latest Pennsylvania polls find the race there is either tied or Trump is leading. Democrats have seen a massive erosion in their voter registration advantage in that state.


The Wisconsin Senate race was just moved from “Lean Democrat” to “Toss Up.” The incumbent Democrat’s internal polling shows that her 7-point lead has shrunk to a 2-point lead. The same poll also finds Harris losing to Trump by 3 points. Harris is doing so badly among working-class men that the Democrat senator is worried Harris will drag her down, too.


JUST BREAKING: Quinnipiac University released new polling data this afternoon on the “Blue Wall” swing states.


In Michigan, Harris led Trump last month by five points. Now, Trump is leading by four points.


In Pennsylvania, Harris led Trump last month by six points. Now, she is only leading by two points.


In Wisconsin, Harris led Trump last month by one point. Now, Trump is leading by two points. 


All three states clearly show that Kamala Harris is losing ground, while Donald Trump is advancing.




Your Tax Dollars NOT At Work


Shocking new reports about FEMA’s expenditures are raising eyebrows. It appears as though FEMA spent $4 billion on COVID-19 relief. Not last year, but last month! That’s 20 times more than what FEMA has spent on Hurricane Helene relief efforts.


What’s going on here? Yes, it’s the September before an election. But September is also the end of the government’s fiscal year – a time when agencies furiously spend money to empty their accounts so they can ask for more of your tax dollars. Apparently, they are sending “free” COVID tests to people who didn’t ask for them.


So, they have no money for hurricane relief, but they have $4 billion to spend on COVID tests in one month.


Sadly, there’s more.


An inspector general’s report finds that FEMA is sitting on at least $7 billion from unused funds previously allocated for other disasters that occurred years ago. Here’s one example: FEMA has $4.5 billion in unused funds from Super Storm Sandy, which hit 12 years ago!


Their internal budget controls are abysmal. And FEMA isn’t the only agency with major accounting problems. The Pentagon has failed independent audits for six years in a row.


If Donald Trump wins in November, we may never see Elon Musk again. Trump is going to send him into the bureaucracy looking for waste, and he’ll never come out!




Tests Or Terrorists


Famed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward is about to release a new book, and the Post is already publishing excerpts of the book. One of Woodward’s “revelations” is that Donald Trump sent COVID tests to Vladimir Putin during the pandemic.


Needless to say, left-wing politicians and their media co-conspirators are having a field day, claiming it’s evidence of Putin’s control over Trump. Can they really be that stupid?


Assuming Woodward’s account is accurate, it has nothing to do with control. It’s a form of diplomacy. Giving COVID tests to the leader of a country with thousands of nuclear missiles is a good diplomatic gesture.


I remember when COVID hit President Trump said we were going to use the ventilators we had stockpiled for Americans first. But as we made more, he would share any excess ventilators with other countries. The left went nuts that he would dare save the ventilators just for Americans.


But let’s look at Woodward’s specific allegation: Trump sent Putin COVID tests.


Let’s compare that to what Biden and Harris gave Putin. They sent him his lead arms dealer, known as the “Merchant of Death.” He’s back in business now supplying the Houthi terrorists who are attacking Israel and U.S. Navy ships. Biden and Harris released the Merchant of Death in exchange for a basketball player, and the media praised their ability to get her out of jail.


Enough said.




Media Malfeasance


Everyone knows that CBS News is biased. But their latest effort to help Harris is a new low. CBS dramatically edited Harris’s answers during her recent unimpressive “60 Minutes” interview.


Edits can be made for a variety of reasons, mainly to shorten responses so they can fit as much in as possible. These edits, however, went far beyond that. CBS actually erased of Kamala’s answers, which was a total word salad, and substituted an answer to a completely different question.


Conservatives are used to the left-wing media taking our responses out of context and making us look like idiots. CBS cut Harris’s idiotic response and made her look smart.




A Bold Move


Sources today say that Donald Trump will hold an unprecedented rally in New York City’s Madison Square Garden on October 27th, nine days before election day.


Talk about confidence!




Tune In To Family Talk


Please tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show. On today’s broadcast, I conclude my discussion with Coach Joe Kennedy about his intense seven-year legal fight for religious liberty that included two hearings at the Supreme Court.


You can find station listings here. You can listen online here.