Campaign for Working Families

Thursday, September 19, 2024 -- A Big Deal, Plot Foiled, Left-wing Hate

A Big Deal


Something very emblematic of the realignment of the two parties happened yesterday. For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Teamsters Union failed to endorse the Democrat nominee for president.


The Teamsters leadership conducted two surveys of their members on which candidate they supported. The first survey was conducted after Joe Biden dropped out. The second survey was conducted after last week’s debate.


Donald Trump won both surveys with nearly 60% of the vote. As a result, the union leadership decided to withhold their endorsement.


This is a really big deal. The Teamsters are strong in states like Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Their huge political infrastructure is regularly deployed on behalf of the Democrat presidential candidate. That’s not going to happen this year.


More significantly, it’s another indication of how working-class Americans are moving to the GOP. Democrats claim to be for the working man. But they can’t hide the fact that they are the party of rich coastal elites, and they are the party pushing radical policies like open borders and transgender insanity.


It’s no accident that every time Harris and Walz are asked about the economy, they both begin with the same statement: “I grew up in a middle-class family, and I know the struggles middle-class families are facing.” They know they are losing middle-class families.


But they go on to explain why they are going to impose socialist policies on the country. And then they get smacked in the face by reality, like they did yesterday.




Plot Foiled


It’s barely being noticed in U.S. media, but Israel announced yesterday that it successfully thwarted an assassination attempt against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israeli police arrested Moti Maman, a Jewish Israeli citizen, and charged him with conspiring with Iranian intelligence.


As you know, Iran has ongoing efforts to assassinate former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. This is not a conspiracy theory. The Iranian government has publicly announced it, and our intelligence agencies have confirmed it.


Ryan Routh, the wannabe assassin who is now in jail awaiting trial, wrote in his book that he hoped Iran would assassinate Trump.




Still Stalling


Iowa Senator Charles Grassley came very close this week to accusing the Secret Service of engaging in a cover-up.


Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe testified before Congress that local law enforcement agencies were responsible for securing the building used by the shooter at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally. That’s not what local law enforcement agencies are telling Senate investigators.


Butler County law enforcement officials said they repeatedly expressed concerns about the building, but Secret Service agents assured them, “We will take care of it.” Someone is lying.


Meanwhile, Sen. Ron Johnson yesterday accused the Secret Service and the FBI of “slow-walking” the investigation into the July assassination attempt. He and other senators want to know how and why a 20 year-old misfit had multiple encrypted messaging accounts located in foreign countries.


There’s a reason Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is launching his own state investigation of the attempted assassination this past weekend.


He does not trust the current federal government, which has polluted federal law enforcement agencies, to conduct a legitimate investigation, especially since those same federal agencies are trying to prosecute Donald Trump in that very jurisdiction.


By the way, Routh should be put on “Epstein watch” while he is in jail.


Through it all, it is nothing short of astonishing that Donald Trump gets up every day and throws himself into the breach yet again. In the aftermath of what happened Sunday, Trump joked, “I’ve always said golf was a dangerous sport.”




Left-wing Hate


During the dispute over Barack Obama’s constitutional qualification to run for president due to concerns about his citizenship, the media regularly made a huge deal out of the percentage of Republicans who thought he might not be a U.S. citizen.


Now, there have been two attempts to kill Donald Trump. Leftists in the media have not shown one ounce of sympathy or horror over these events. Is it just callous pundits on the air? What is the attitude of the average Democrat?


Well, we know the answer. According to a new poll:


  • 28% of Democrats said the country would be better off if Trump had been killed last weekend.
  • 24% of Democrats aren’t sure whether the country would be better off.


That’s a majority (52%) of Democrats who do or might want Donald Trump dead.


But there’s an even more disturbing finding in the poll. Even now, 49% of Democrats believe that Trump or his campaign were involved with the assassination attempt. In other words, half the party thinks it was staged and didn’t really happen!


I know there is a great desire to lower the temperature of our politics and to find common ground. Well, this poll shows why that is impossible.


These are the same people who constantly call us “homophobes,” “racists,” “fascists,” “xenophobes,” etc. But look how hate-filled they are!


This sick phenomenon isn’t new. It didn’t just happen. It isn’t just because of Donald Trump. I know because I have lived through it decades ago.


When Ronald Reagan was nearly killed in the 1981 assassination attempt, those of us in the Reagan administration were shocked to read items in various newspapers reporting that children in urban schools erupted in applause and cheers at the news Reagan had been shot.


Many people often say today, “We could unite the country if we just had another Ronald Reagan.” No, that’s wrong. The left hated Reagan. They despised him then, and they still hate him now.




Gaslighting In Georgia


Kamala Harris is going to Georgia tomorrow to promote abortion. Virtually everything she is going to say will be a disgusting lie. (Why is that old Charlie Daniels song stuck in my head?)


Harris is going to claim that women are dying because pro-life laws “needlessly deny women reproductive healthcare,” meaning abortion on demand. She will reportedly cite two tragic cases of women who died after Georgia’s heartbeat law took effect, and she will blame Donald Trump for their deaths.


Here’s what Harris and most of the media won’t tell you: These women died after attempting chemical or so-called “medication abortions.”


One woman died of sepsis because the chemical abortion failed, and the other died as a result of complications from the “medical abortion.” An autopsy report in the second case also revealed that the woman had “a lethal combination of painkillers, including the dangerous opioid fentanyl” in her system.


The lesson here should be that “baby pesticides” aren’t as safe for women as the left claims. But Harris will distort and twist the facts in order to use state pro-life laws to promote a national pro-abortion law.


As our friends at the Charlotte Lozier Institute noted, “All pro-life state laws allow doctors to exercise their medical judgment to treat women with pregnancy emergencies. . .  Every state with a strong pro-life law permits doctors to treat women suffering from spontaneous miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.”


But while every pro-life law allows for exceptions in critical cases, Harris will not name even one abortion she would prevent – because she doesn’t want to prevent any of them.




A Critical Clarification


Like many of you, I am not happy that former Vice President Mike Pence has refused to endorse Donald Trump. But yesterday a Democrat operative on Fox News suggested that Mike Pence was voting for Kamala Harris.


While speaking yesterday at Middle Tennessee State University, Pence was asked about voting for Harris, and he quickly cleared up that falsehood. He said:


“I’ve debated Vice President Harris on national television. I know her pretty well. I could never vote for Kamala Harris. She represents a radical left philosophy. . . She was, as I pointed out on national television, the most liberal member of the United States Senate in 2019.”




Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom


In this week’s Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I offer a blunt assessment of the left’s disturbing strategy to dehumanize and demonize anyone who refuses to bow to their extreme agenda. 


Listen to the podcast here.