Campaign for Working Families

Friday, July 19, 2024 -- Trump's Tremendous Speech, Turning On A Dime, Our Last Chance

Trump’s Tremendous Speech


I’ve been to many national political conventions. I’ve been privileged to hear some of the greatest speeches ever delivered by people like Ronald Reagan. In all my years in this battle, I have never heard anything like the first half hour of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech last night. If you missed it, watch it here.


It was one of the most powerful and incredibly moving speeches that I can recall. Certainly at a political nominating convention, and perhaps even in American history in general.


What made it so compelling was listening to Donald Trump describe his near-death experience. There is no doubt that, in some not completely understood way yet, he has been transformed by the attempted assassination.


Last night, Trump told the convention delegates and the country, “I’m not supposed to be here tonight.” The delegates erupted in chants of “Yes You Are! Yes You Are!”


Trump continued, “Thank you, but I’m not. And I will tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God.”


There was another very moving moment.


When President Trump walked out onto the stage to begin his speech, firefighters brought out the helmet and jacket worn by Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief who died at the rally, shielding his family from bullets.


At one point in his remarks, Trump said, “He lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was.” As the delegates chanted, “Corey! Corey!” Trump walked over to his uniform and kissed Corey’s helmet.


When he returned to the podium, Trump announced that more than $6 million had been raised for Corey’s family and others who were seriously wounded. He asked for a moment of silence in honor of Corey Comperatore.


Then Trump said:


“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for others. This is the spirit that forged America in her darkest hours, and this is the love that will lead America back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. This is what we need.”


And this from the man the left smears as a “fascist,” a “bigot,” and a “threat to democracy.”




God’s Hand


We have talked endlessly about the division in America. It has been on display in how people view Donald Trump’s narrow escape from death. As everyone knows, so many things had to fall into place exactly at the right moment for him to survive.


Trump sees it as God’s hand of protection, and so do millions of Christians. At any other time, the overwhelming majority of Americans would have said, “I hope he thanks God because God was there for him.” That would have been the default position throughout most of our history.


But today, not only do millions of Americans not have the worldview to think like that, they mock such thinking or even say it is dangerous thinking.


I have done multiple interviews in the last several days with reporters who are deeply troubled by the idea that God saved Trump’s life. I think their skepticism stems from the fact that they reject the notion that there is a God who intervenes in the affairs of man.


Ironically, these are the same people who can be convinced to believe in dozens of genders, that the planet will be destroyed unless everyone drives electric vehicles, and that COVID came from someone eating a bat sandwich. All those things are totally believable to them, which is why we often refer to them as “sheeple.”


But they look at the creation all around them, the miracle of births, the things that have happened in our history that are inexplicable yet each essential to America’s survival, and it is just beyond their capacity to think that maybe God has a purpose for America.


I am pleased to report that the final stories these reporters wrote were more understanding of the way we look at life than they would have been otherwise.


These reporters called me, hoping to entrap me in what they think is a scandalous idea. And they ended up leaving the conversation saying, “Huh. I never thought about it that way before.”




Turning On A Dime


It’s been an incredible three weeks -- a period where virtually everything has moved in the direction of faith, family, and freedom. The left is on their heels right now.


But do not think for one second that victory in November is guaranteed. This is not a time for complacency. We can’t take anything for granted.


Before the weekend is over, Donald Trump may well learn he will be facing a totally different ticket this fall. It could be Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom.


How about a popular Democrat governor like Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania with Michelle Obama as his running mate?


Or Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris as the first all-black, all-female ticket.


We know that the neo-Marxist left will use every tool they have to pull this election out of the fire. Look at how easy it is for them to throw Joe Biden under the bus after he’s done everything they wanted. They turned on a dime.


One day, Biden is sharp as a tack. The best president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. But one bad debate, and suddenly every Democrat is saying, “Joe has to go. He just doesn’t have what it takes.”


What irony! Those claiming to be protecting democracy are now engaged in a palace coup. They’re trying to disenfranchise 14 million primary voters!


We must be ready for anything. (See last item.)




Grace & Trust


I know some conservatives are concerned about changes made to the GOP platform. As I noted before, I would have done some things differently. Yesterday, J.D. Vance addressed those concerns at a breakfast for Christian activists. Referring to President Trump, Vance said:


“I'd ask my social conservative friends . . . remember that this is a guy who delivered for social conservatives more than any president in my 39 years of life. I think he deserves a little bit of grace, and he deserves a little bit of trust.”


A hearty AMEN to that!




Our Last Chance


I have said repeatedly that the conservative Supreme Court that Donald Trump gave us is the only thing standing in the way of the left’s radical agenda. Well, if we lose this election, we lose the Supreme Court.


Desperate to appease his left-wing base, Joe Biden is now getting ready to launch a direct attack on the independence of the Supreme Court. Among other things, he wants to impose term limits on the justices so they can push conservatives like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito out. (Any leftist who replaces Biden will do the same.)


But that’s not all.


If Democrats win in November, Sen. Elizabeth Warren vowed that they will “suspend” the filibuster to pass a national pro-abortion law. If anyone thinks the Democrats will stop there, I’ve got a bridge to sell them.


Without the filibuster, they will ram through anything they want, including packing the Supreme Court with additional left-wing hacks to wipe out our conservative majority.


This is a life-or-death fight. It is a fight to determine whether America continues as the nation we have known or dies at the hands of radical, secular Marxists and even some confused Christians. If they prevail, it will not be a place where our children and grandchildren will be able to be free.




Good News


  • Oklahoma Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters is taking steps to revoke the teaching certificate of a school instructor who praised the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.


  • A federal appeals court upheld Tennessee’s law requiring birth certificates to record biological sex, not “gender identity.”


  • A Virginia judge has ordered American Muslims for Palestine to disclose its financial records to determine if the organization was funding Hamas in any way.


  • Federal prosecutors are changing sentences and dropping obstruction charges in January 6th cases following the Supreme Court’s decision restricting the use of the financial crimes charge.


  • John Deere is following Tractor Supply’s example and completely scrapping all of its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies. The company is also limiting its sponsorships to “priority areas” such as agricultural education, hunger and poverty alleviation, and support for veterans. In other words, no more so-called “Pride parades.”